Puntis Family Website

This website is for all members, relatives and friends of the Puntis Family! I hope you'll enjoy it. I'm happy to add contributions from other people and would value any views you would like to pass on to me. Most of the stuff I have is pictures. Here are some links to picture pages.


Jack’s pictures from the Basque Children’s Camp at North Stoneham. Three new pictures have been added.

These pictures were taken by Jack in 1937. He was living at Maybush Road, Shirley. One picture is from the garden there. The camp was set up by volunteers for the ‘National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief’.

Sue’s party at Albury was a wonderful occasion. Lots of marvelous folk went and can be seen in these pictures!

Have a look at the earliest portrait I’ve seen of a Puntis. ‘Messire Louis de Pontis’ who, after 56 years of military service and 20 years in Christian retreat, died at the age of 92 in 1670.

Family Pictures. Here are some pictures from old albums and so on. I'd like this page to grow if anyone has any I could borrow to scan in.

Many thanks to Mary Giles for her contribution of some wonderful new pictures, of Henry Puntis and others. Please visit Mary’s own Puntis website which has a wealth of fascinating geneological information.

Pictures from the 1940s. I’d love more of these, but the ones here are pretty good! If anyone has more, please may I borrow them for this web site?

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